What Do You Regret?

Not just as a photographer but as a human, I have many regrets. I am 28 years old and I have lived in the same place practically my entire life. I have ALWAYS wanted to leave, since I can remember. I got caught up in relationships, staying close to my family, going back to school (a few times) I got comfortable with my life here. I believe being comfortable or content creates a barrier to the outside world, blocking your sense of self and of what you could have been.

Have you ever gone to a movie theatre to watch a movie you have just been waiting on FOREVER? You get your pretzel with cheese and large coke for $130 and you get all comfy in your duct taped chair that hasn’t been reupholstered since the 90’s? Your movie starts off great since you went in with optimism, then you come to find that it is not near as good as you thought? Your movie grows silent for a moment, you have to be safe with your popcorn so you don’t make too much noise. All of a sudden you can hear a movie in the next theatre over. You can hear the people laughing next door at the movie you could have seen but you chose the one you thought was going to be best and now your filled with a lower form of regret. You think to yourself “maybe I should just leave”, but out of respect for the other people who put theirselves in the same position you stay and wait patiently for the end…

The point is, don’t always do what everyone else is doing or what everyone else is talking about. And do not be afraid to get up and walk out of the movie. You did pay for it after all.

Hunter Hart
